

是的. 参观 安排自动转帐 页面(需要登录)和设置自动转帐与任何主要信用卡, 借记卡, 贝宝账户, 电子支票, 或自动转帐. (Click ADD PAYMENT METHOD to add 信用卡, 借记卡, or bank information.)

No. 自动转帐 will pay your total amount due on the bill due date, regardless of the amount. 如果您想在自动付款前查看账单, you can opt-in to receive a notification between 1 和 5 days before your payment is processed. 如果您选择接收此通知, 您也有机会取消或更新您的自动转帐.

如果寻找自动付款, 你可以用信用卡设置自动转帐, 银行账户, 或者贝宝.

You can also replace your AFT with 自动转帐 by following the directions above to enroll in 自动转帐 online.  如果您目前注册了自动资金转帐, 并希望取消或更新您的注册, 请致电1-888-225-5773联系PSE. 


  1. 登录您的在线PSE帐户
  2. 点击“付款详情”旁边的“编辑”为您想要更新的帐户
  3. 选择您喜欢的付款方式或“添加付款方式”


  1. 登录您的在线PSE帐户
  2. 选择计划编号旁边的“编辑”
  3. 选择“删除计划”
  4. 选择“确定”


  1. 登录您的在线PSE帐户
  2. 如果您已登记使用自动转帐, you will see a link below the balance that is due on your account stating: "You are enrolled in 自动转帐"
  3. 如果您没有注册自动转帐,链接将显示:“管理自动转帐”。
  4. For more details about your 自动转帐 enrollment, select "You are enrolled in 自动转帐"
  5. After enrolling in 自动转帐, your bill stub will display the phrase "自动转帐" in the amount due box.



Your bill stub will display the "automatic withdrawal" phrase in the amount due box.



Contact your personal bank to see if your account is set up for automatic payments.

这两个 自动转帐资金自动转帐 允许你每月自动付款.


您可以透过自动转帐轻松管理每月的付款. 首先登录您的在线PSE帐户并设置自动转账. 有了这个支付功能, 您可以通过您的银行账户付款, 信用卡, 或PayPal账户. 你的账单将显示支付的金额和时间. You can also edit your 自动转帐, skip a month, or cancel it online at any time.

Coming Soon - You will also be able to set up 自动转帐 with a Venmo account by adding the account to your Wallet through the PSE mobile app.


With AFT set up, your full amount due is paid each month from your checking account. Your bill will display how much will be taken out of your checking account 和 when.


After you set up 自动转帐, it will not take effect until the next billing statement. If a bill is currently due, you will need to schedule your payment manually.

您的信息受到保护. We only use your income 和 household information to verify that you’re eligible for the program.

No. 事实上, 申请“票据贴现率”, 系统将自动为您创建一个应用程序, 申请我们的帮助计划. 要申请LIHEAP,您需要 联系你当地的社区机构.

注册后的票据贴现率, some customers will be asked to provide documents to support what they stated on their application. 这些文件需要一起证明家庭收入, 家庭规模, 申请人就住在这里, 申请人身份证明. This verification helps us ensure that only qualified customers are receiving the benefit of the Bill Discount Rate program. Customers who are selected for verification have 90 days to prove their eligibility for the program.



开始, we estimate the total annual energy cost at your location based on previous energy usage, 将成本除以12个月, 每月平均费用的账单. 如果您在该地点居住不到1年, 每月平均付款将反映以前住户的使用情况. 如果地点是新建的, 每月平均付款将基于在类似地点的使用情况.

我们审查你的 实际能源使用量 以及3月、6月和11月的月付款金额. 如果你的实际能源使用量高于或低于估计, 那么你的每月预算付款计划付款金额可能会增加, 减少, 或者在那些时候保持不变.

6月, we determine if you have over- or under-paid for actual energy used for the entire year (from June to June). 如果你多付了钱,那么你会收到退款或信用卡. 如果你少付了,你将会收到未付余额的帐单.

All residential customers in good st和ing (no past due balance) are eligible for the 预算支付计划.

If you have both gas 和 electric service from PSE, the 预算支付计划 will include both. It is not possible to pick one service (electric or gas) for the 预算支付计划.

You will be removed from the 预算支付计划 if no payments are received for 2 consecutive billing periods.

是的. We recommend living at the premise for at least 1 year before enrolling in the 预算支付计划. 这确保了使用是基于您自己的消费. 然而,这不是必需的.

如果您在该地点居住不到1年, 每月平均付款将反映以前住户的使用情况. 如果地点是新建的, 每月平均付款将基于在类似地点的使用情况.

您可以随时取消“预算计费计划”. Payment for any outst和ing balance on the account is due at the time of cancellation. You cannot re-start the Budget 计费 Plan for 6 months after cancellation.

为了保持预算支付计划,必须按时付款. You will be removed from the 预算支付计划 if no payments are received for 2 consecutive billing periods.

如果您因未能付款而被排除在计划之外, 那么到那个时候全部的余额就到期了.

不,预算付款计划不会降低您的能源成本. 预算支付计划的支付是基于1年的平均能源使用量, so it smooths-out your payments – avoiding the unplanned high bills that come with events such as hot or cold weather.

是的, you can remain on the Budget Payment plan after enrolling in Bill Discount Rate.


1. 登录你的在线账户,进入“我的设置”

2. Under "计费 首选项" click "Unenroll" next to the paperless billing option 

3. 当弹出窗口出现时,选择切换回纸质账单的选项.


  1. 登录你的在线账户 点击“我的设置”
  2. Under "计费 preferences"" click "Sign up" next to the paperless billing option
  3. 要确认注册,请选择“OK”."

PSE的电子账单将来自 myaccount@art-grc.com. 请确保电子邮件来自 myaccount@art-grc.com 不要去垃圾邮件文件夹.

您可以通过访问查看一个活跃账户最多24个月的过去账单 付款历史.

Save the PDF to your computer 和 print the file (rather than printing it from the "Preview" view.) 

你可能需要Adobe® 读者®. 你可以免费下载这个阅读器.

如果你收到这条信息, then your account is enrolled in paperless billing through a third-party vendor such as your bank. 请 contact the third-party or visit their website to opt out of paperless billing.



看看你是否符合资格 浏览我们的付款安排网页.

We offer bill-payment assistance programs for income-eligible customers who need help with their bills.

不可以,自动转帐不适用于付款安排. 请在登记付款安排前取消自动转帐. 一旦您的自动转帐被取消,付款安排设置, 请务必在到期日之前提交付款.

付款时间取决于您如何付款. 请访问付款方式页面了解更多信息. 如果您正在等待断开连接,请拨打十大彩票平台电话1-888-225-5773.

请访问 我的账户 查看余额,然后点击“立即支付”来支付账单.

请联系客服,我们很乐意为您服务. We'll need the date of payment, dollar amount of payment 和 the payment method.

看看你还欠多少钱, 登入你的网上帐户,选择“付款/管理”."

我们会收到你付款的通知, 然而, 付款时间取决于您如何付款. If you are pending disconnection, please call 十大彩票平台 at 1-888-225-5773.


是的! 请 浏览我们的“节约能源贴士”网页 关于如何减少你的使用和降低你的账单的想法.

浏览我们的帐单支付服务 & 恒温页面 有关付款援助计划和资格的信息.

你可以通过以下方式向温暖之家基金捐款 参观缴费处 & 恒温网页, scrolling to the bottom, 和 clicking Donate Now under the Salvation Army Warm 首页 Fund heading.

您可以一次性捐款,也可以定期捐款. Recurring donations will be withdrawn each month along with the monthly statement amount.


是的! 你可以在网上支付而不用注册 无纸化计费.

请登录填写a 一次性付款, 设置自动付款 (信用卡/借记卡),或 设置自动资金转帐 (尾).


在线: 请登录填写a 一次性付款, 设置自动付款 (信用卡/借记卡),或 设置自动资金转帐 (尾).

通过电话: 请致电1-888-225-5773.

邮寄: Enclose a check with the bill stub 和 mail it to 普吉特海湾能源公司, BOT-01H, P.O. 华盛顿州贝尔维尤98009-9269号91269号信箱.

人: 找一个附近的地点 亲自支付电力及电力服务费用.


  1. 登录查看您的预定付款
  2. Click "Change" or "取消" under the scheduled payment 和 follow the prompts


There are no fees for Residential customers that pay by credit or 借记卡.

Large commercial customers will be charged a third-party transaction fee of 2.付款金额的65%.